GHDF has continued using debate as a vehicle of working with young people. The most frequently used format is that of Karl Popper and this has been successfully deployed to engage groups of young people to increase their confidence, self-esteem, develop their critical thinking skills, to engender tolerance, understanding and to contribute to their personal and social development. During 2014, GHDF has conducted debate competition among 60 schools and 6 youth centres across Rwanda.

Over the past ten years, Debate culture has been growing steadily throughout the country. Many schools have permanent debate clubs, introducing newcomers to this practice while encouraging previous members to continue sharpening their skills, participating in competitions, becoming trainers and even judges during competitions. Keeping in mind that not all children and adolescents are attending school, GHDF and Imbuto Foundation have also turned their attention to marginalized youth by conducting the program in a number of Youth centers. In 2014, 6 youth centers were involved and 5 more were added in 2015. The demand from the participants, their positive response and their desire to keep improving their skills has motivated the extension of this program and its expansion, involving 17 youth centers and 1 youth hostel in 2016.

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