"After joining TWIKENURE savings group, I received training on Bio Intensive Agriculture Techniques, allowing me to pay for my children school fees, buy their uniforms and renovate my house".

EMYLIENNE NDAGIWENIMANA lives in Musengina village, Mburabuturo cell, Muko sector in Musanze District. She is 48 years old, married, and a mother of 5 children.When interviewed she told us she used to be in the second category of Ubudehe* ,by now she belongs in 3rd category . After joining her saving group and Farming Field school (FFS) group called Twikenure, she got training on Bio intensive Agriculture Techniques (BIAT), she started to help their neighbors where Action Aid gave her a part time job to help 70 families to make BIAT in 70 households. They paid her 1000 Rwf per each technique, she worked 15 days and she got 70,000 rwf. With these earnings, she paid the school fees for the children, bought their uniforms and renovated their house. Emylienne added that she is very proud of GHDF and USAID-Higa Ubeho program because she has gained a lot from that program, including the preparation of balanced diet from Bio intensive Agriculture techniques.

GHDF entered into a partnership with Global Communities to deliver the USAID funded HigaUbeho Program in Musanze and Ngoma Districts. The program aimed to support some of Rwanda’s most vulnerable households by increasing their access to health and social services and providing economic, nutritional and educational support. In the same way VSLAs are established, HigaUbeho formed Integrated Savings and lending groups (ISLGs) to promote economic strengthening. A total of 175 groups were created involving 4730 members. In order to promote food security, 41 Farmer Field Schools were put in place, and group leaders were selected and trained on Bio-intensive agricultural techniques. 62 Positive deviance hearth (PD/H) groups for adults and for children under five were also established, providing nutritional advice and fighting malnutrition.

* For more information on Ubudehe categorization

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